Thought I’d share some tips that you can apply for performing your own SEO on your website. This is meant to be a very basic guide for those that are starting out, and is by no means an exhaustive resource. Here we go:
Title Tag: Well-constructed title tags contain the main keyword for the page, followed by a brief description of the page content.
- Unique page titles for each page.
- No more than 5-10 words.
Description Tags: Good description tags contain information about the page's content and persuade search engine users to visit your web site.
- Meta description tags are meant to be compelling and include keywords and phrases for that page (This is what visitors see in the search results).
- Meta description tags are 20 to 30 words, starting with several strategic keywords and apply to specific pages.
Content & Structure: Pages should have descriptive content that contains the keywords specified in the keywords meta tag for the page.
- keywords are used near the top of each page, within the first couple of paragraphs, or headings.
- Add an ALT tag for each graphical image on your site.
- No frames or intros and/or limited use of flash on site.
- Create an XML sitemap file for Google, BING, and Yahoo.
- 300 – 700 words per page.
- Utilize the Robots Meta Tag and Robots.txt to guide the engines.
Link Building:
- A minimum of 3 links to your site from other RELEVANT websites (links from web pages that are read by your target audience and have title and description tags that reflect their relevance).
- create a well-balanced link portfolio with links coming from social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, etc
Feel free to offer any feedbacks and tell us what seo techniques you use