It's easy and free to join! All you have to do is register and we'll provide you with a selection of banner ads, buttons and links to place on your website, blog or email signature. You'll get credit for every person who clicks through to - the more people you refer to get Firefox, the better the chance that you will appear in the top Affiliates list on the Spread Firefox homepage (you can check out your stats on the Spread Firefox homepage).
It's really that simple. Just follow these quick steps to get started:
1. Join Spread Firefox or login to create your free account. You'll also be able to participate in
other Spread Firefox projects and access the message boards.
2. Once you have an account, simply browse the list of buttons and banners below and pick out the ones that you want to display on your website or blog.
3. Copy the source code and paste it anywhere on your website or blog to link to us and get affiliate credit. Click here for more detailed instructions on how to add buttons to your website. Your button code will have a unique identifer (the id=your identifying number") so that you get credit each time someone clicks on one of your Firefox buttons. Make sure to sign in before copying and pasting the code.
4. Start earning Spread Firefox affiliate points for your efforts!
Have questions? Visit the Affiliates Program FAQs for more information or join in the discussion in the Affiliates Group.
It's really that simple. Just follow these quick steps to get started:
1. Join Spread Firefox or login to create your free account. You'll also be able to participate in
other Spread Firefox projects and access the message boards.
2. Once you have an account, simply browse the list of buttons and banners below and pick out the ones that you want to display on your website or blog.
3. Copy the source code and paste it anywhere on your website or blog to link to us and get affiliate credit. Click here for more detailed instructions on how to add buttons to your website. Your button code will have a unique identifer (the id=your identifying number") so that you get credit each time someone clicks on one of your Firefox buttons. Make sure to sign in before copying and pasting the code.
4. Start earning Spread Firefox affiliate points for your efforts!
Have questions? Visit the Affiliates Program FAQs for more information or join in the discussion in the Affiliates Group.
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